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A Gullah Geechee Guide to Winter Skincare. Let's Talk Nourishing your Soul and Skin

The Gullah Geechee culture, deeply rooted in the coastal regions of South Carolina and Georgia is a vibrant tapestry of West African influences. Our resilient communities have preserved our unique traditions, language, and spiritual practices for many generations. In this blog post I want to share a few time- honored skincare secrets, passed down through Gullah rituals, to help you navigate the winter solace season with grace and radiance. Deep hydration and protection of the skin from the winter elements is very important. You can start by transitioning to a whipped shea butter for extra nourishment for the skin. Shea will sooth dryness and leave the skin feeling well protected and moisturized. After a nice relaxing shower or bath, a Lavender and Sage body oil will certainly do the trick. A blend of Lavendar and Sage will calm the skin while adding rich vitamins and antioxidants to promote overall skin wellness.

As the cold winds sweep across the marshes and quite sandy beaches here are a few universal inspired by the culture. Add an all-natural water-based toner to prep the skin.

Follow up with a serum designed for fall and winter which will give your skin more moisture and protection. Use a moisturizer to seal in the goodness with extra nourishment.

Also, don't forget your SPF, even in the winter months your skin still needs to be protected from UV Rays. If your skin is extremely dry using a humidifier will help by providing warmth and moisture while preventing excess dryness.

Remember skincare isn't just about external rituals: it's a soulful connection. Envision the natural elements of the land and sea, and the tides cleansing away negativity. While you are caring for your skin remember to treat yourself with care and self-love and healing, that's the Gullah Way.

Love and Light, until the next time, we will Geech with you later.


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